Today I worked on math review for four hours before taking a placement test for two hours. That's not including the two days spent prior to this preparing for said test. Basically, my brain hurts.
To be fair, I don't mind math. I'm just extremely out of practice. The last time I took a math class was over ten years ago. Since then, I've been a store manager, wife, and mother of three. My mind is usually preoccupied by things other than mathematics. Why not, right? Math isn't usually going to help me when I'm trying to explain to a screaming two-year-old that he can't push his brother over while also trying to soothe the nearly one-year-old screaming brother. Not that history or Spanish is helping me then either. Although, I've taken those classes much more recently so I'm in a better position for using them.
The most important thing from today is that even though my brain hurts from reading problems off of a computer, working them, then scrolling down to check answers on the computer, and finally taking a computerized math test for two hours, I successfully tested into the two classes I want and need. Thanks to my brilliant math teacher husband--and public libraries. Quiet places are very helpful when re-learning math. Remember, one- and two-year-olds? Yeah, not math friendly. Not really brain friendly either....
On a separate note, for anyone who's interested, I have a second blog at Some of it is a rehash of this blog, but that's only until I get into the routine of writing in general. The content will come after the habit is developed. Believe me, the ideas are there, I just don't have the "oomph" to bring them to life right now. Keep following and together we'll get there.
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