Friday, August 2, 2013

It's time for bed

It's late and I really should be heading to bed, after brushing my teeth, of course, but I felt the need to write a little something.  A friend shared an article on Google+ about decision-making.  I sat here for a moment making my decision to write some shit on this blog.  Apparently, we make better decisions in the morning due to higher levels of seratonin.  We also make better decisions when we've had a break from making decisions (another reason the morning is good).  Thinking about this, I realized that I have emotional funkiness at night, before going to bed, and often have trouble falling asleep because I'm thinking about everything I have to do the next day and all the decisions I'll have to make.  That study just might explain things a little.

On a separate note, I'm now 35 weeks along and feeling large, uncomfortable, and ready for it to be over while simultaneously freaking out about what my body will be going through in a few short weeks.  That's on the of the benefits and cons of knowing what I'm in for, when it comes to labor.  It's nice to know so I don't have to be paranoid about whether I'm truly in labor or not because I already know what it feels like.  Which is where things get shitty.  It hurts.  I don't care what people say, but it hurts.  After giving birth naturally twice, I can tell you it hurts, even when it's fast and you have a relatively high tolerance for pain.  I really hate thinking about it, but it's hard not to since I just did it little more than a year ago.

Today I looked at old pictures from my son's birth and it reminded me of why it's worth it.  Still don't like the idea of it, but it's definitely more bearable to think of when seeing my sweet son and knowing I've got a new little man to meet very soon.

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