Monday, January 13, 2014


If you are not a parent, you likely don't know what I'm talking about.  But if you are, you understand how comforting and frustrating swaddles can be.  When my first child was born six years ago, I was taught how to swaddle my baby using a receiving blanket.  She would always come loose and crying.  Finally I just gave up and put her in sleep sacks.  It's safer than risking a blanket covering her mouth.

Next came my son in 2012.  He hated swaddles.  Before he arrived, we registered for these sleep sacks that have velcro wraps, which pin the babies arms to their sides.  I know it sounds terrible, but many babies find it soothing to be restricted.  In the womb, they don't have much room to move and they are wrapped up in warm amniotic fluid.  Outside in the world, it's cold and there's nothing to stop their jerky movements.  Babies aren't really that coordinated, plus, being born with the moro startle reflex doesn't help things.  Couple that with their shorter, lighter sleep cycles, and you have one very disturbed night of rest.  Trust me, we had many nights of disturbed rest with our first son.  Even as a toddler, he sucked at sleeping through the night.  He's just extremely active.

My newest son loved being swaddled from the beginning.  Now he's outgrown our favorite swaddle.  We got a larger size, but the velcro has worn out from all his squirming.  We tried letting him sleep un-swaddled.  That was a disaster.  Granted, we moved him into his big boy crib in his own room around the same time, but this little boy had been sleeping through the night and now he had no swaddle for us to safely swaddle him in.  Luckily, I found a swaddle that barely fits that we never used (since my other son had no use for it).  It works for now, but it won't for long.  Enter the Woombie.

I've found that entrepreneurial moms create the best products.  You want something done right, you do it yourself.  This mom created a swaddle that stretches and zips up.  Baby isn't too restricted and it won't wear out.  Just bought one and I am so excited for this thing to arrive.  I'll update when it does, but for now, just making due with what we've got.

This is what I ordered. It's convertible!
Bug in his current swaddle

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