Thursday, October 2, 2014

Hablo español

Today I stayed after class to ask my Spanish teacher if he knew my Spanish teacher from my high school since they are located five minutes apart.  He doesn't, but he thinks his colleague does.
Anyway, at some point I mentioned that I had considering minoring in Spanish.  He thought that was a great idea!  He even said there were people he knew at UVA that he thought would be helpful for me.  Hearing that was very encouraging.

I had given up on the idea since I hadn't taken Spanish in nearly ten years, but it is a requirement for my transfer degree so I took the placement test and decided to start at square one so I could move on more easily.  I excelled in my previous Spanish classes, but then I had a few semesters off after birthing my youngest. I felt very intimidated and worried that I wouldn't understand what the teacher was saying (my last Spanish teacher was a female and I thought an easy grader).  After getting in to class, I discovered I was not behind at all.  In fact, I've found myself getting ahead.  What a relief!  It was even nicer to hear my teacher felt the same way.  He said that I'm a natural and have a real aptitude for the language.

So far, I'm feeling the love in all my classes.  Since I entered with low expectations of myself, I've quickly surpassed them in both math and Spanish, the two I worried most about.  I'm starting to think that maybe I am as smart as I used to think.  Either that or I'm not as dumb as I've worried I am.  I'll take it.  Point being, I guess I'm looking into a minor in Spanish with whatever major I choose.

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